Max St John

Supervision, coaching and training.

I support people who are trying to do hard things, by helping them become more aware of how people work, what allows them to thrive and what gets in the way.Professional supervision
Individual and team supervision creates a regular space to reflect on practice, spot patterns and surface learning.
Leadership coaching
Thinking out loud with a trusted partner creates greater awareness of self, potential for change and steps to get there.
Conflict training
Working with others is always going to get messy but conflict is the greatest source of learning and creativity. More here

t: 07973 544740 | e:

"If you want a practical and deep understanding of how to successfully navigate the complexities we find ourselves in, then Max is the guide you've been looking for."
- Tom, Executive Coach
"When Max is in the room, you know things are going to get done. He makes the most difficult things feel easy."
- Richard, Head of Housing
"I now have a true understanding of the pressure I put on myself and how to reclaim my locus of evaluation. It has opened up my professional world to be able to challenge the status quo and not fear the response."
- Susie, CEO